Nativity Christmas Story brought to Life

School News

December 19, 2024

The festive spirit came alive this Christmas season as students from our College and our Parish community of Our Lady Queen of Peace participated in a heart warming Parish Nativity Christmas story.

Thanks to our Parish community and the tireless efforts of our wonderful parents, children from our Parish beautifully showcased the timeless story of the birth of Jesus Christ, uniting our community in faith, joy, and celebration as we await Christmas Day. Our College Choir also added some magic with their joyous voices weaved into the nativity story. 

The students, families and Parish team had prepared for weeks to deliver a thoughtful and inspiring retell. From angels and shepherds to wise men and the Holy Family, our young people brought each role to life with enthusiasm and reverence. Their commitment to sharing this special story was met with admiration and praise from family members, friends, staff and parishioners who gathered for the event at the Convention Centre on the first Sunday of Advent. We were so proud of our students and were filled with hope and joy as we watched their values of courage, love, empathy, acceptance and resilience throughout the evening.

The Parish Nativity event was a celebration of the power of faith, storytelling, and the spirit of togetherness. It served as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas and brought hope and joy to all who attended. Father Liam supported students to ask questions of the wise men who brought gifts to all of the children to enjoy. The community also received a special Christmas blessing from Fr Liam, who encouraged us all to be joy filled and grateful as we await the birth of Christ during this time of Advent.

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