Faith Life

Early Years | Our Mob, Kindy, Pre Primary

Faith Life

At St Mary’s College, our early learning centre is designed to provide a foundation for Catholic faith life and religious education. During these early years foundational years students are introduced to the basic teachings of the Catholic faith, including the stories of Jesus and the Saints, the sacraments, and prayer.

Children learn about the importance of the Church, the Bible, and Catholic traditions. They are taught to appreciate the beauty and diversity of God’s creation and to develop values such as compassion, forgiveness, and humility with a listening heart.

Through classroom learning opportunities, students are encouraged to explore their spirituality and to participate in worship and faith-building experiences. Special events, such as liturgies are incorporated into the school year to provide opportunities for students to practice what they have learned and to experience the richness of our Catholic faith.

St Mary’s College recognises the important role that parents play in the faith development of their children and encourages parents to be active participants in their child’s Catholic faith journey. The school offers resources and opportunities for parents to deepen their own faith and to support their children’s learning and engagement in the Catholic faith.