St Mary’s College offers students in Year 7, 8 and 9 the opportunity to explore multiple subjects in a safe and positive environment. St Mary’s College supports our students to explore and develop in engaged and meaningful ways; culturally, socially, emotionally and physically. Through dedicated Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) classes, robust teaching and learning programs and a strong House system, our students are encouraged to be their best in a responsible, respectful and kind manner with a listening heart.Our staff work collaboratively in our middle school to ensure our students experience every success through their early secondary education years.


Chris Grant

Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning

Antonietta Scriva

Deputy Principal - Pastoral Care

Justin Cudmore

Leader of Timetabling & Campus Administration

Heads of Houses

Glen Hickinbotham


Braden Famlonga


Cara Webling


Nik Martinskis


Heads of Learning Areas

Alicia Nelson

Mathematics and Science

Justin Cudmore

The Arts & Technology

Steven Gregory

Health & Physical Education

Caroline Tompkin

Head of Student Pathways

Ben Court

English & HaSS


Kendra Anderson

Food Technology

Edmund Connor

Phys Ed, Maths, Science

Travis Holmwood

Design & Technology

Nathaniel Middleton

HASS, Drama

Alicia Nelson


Aaron Haji Ali

RE, Mathematics, Science, HASS

Daren Coruna Duffell


Sara Ceccarelli

Zoe Jess

English, HaSS, Intervention

Tessima Sloan


Rob Buckley

Mathematics, Digital Technologies

Thomas Judd

Mathematics & Science

Michael Cortenbach

Mathematics & Science

Naish Wallace


Sr Stella Ruth

Mathematics & Science

Marie Little

Arts & Technology & Vocational Education

Justin Cudmore

Arts & Technology

Erin Meckenstock


Steven Gregory

Health & Physical Education

Riley Duncan


Wendi Torres

Arts & Technology & Health & Physical Education

Braden Famlonga

Health & Physical Education

Brooke Bennett

Health & Physical Education & Vocational Education

Cara Webling

Arts & Technology & HaSS

Michelle Hamaguchi

Maths, Science, English & HaSS

Bonnie Anderson

English & HaSS

Brighid Kelly


Joanne Hall


Carla Hall


Ryan Long

Music & Religious Education

Caroline Tompkin

Religious Education & Mathematics

Nik Martinskis

Religious Education

Ben Court

English & HaSS

Aboriginal Teacher Assistants

Eugenia George

Aboriginal Teacher Assistant

Jacinta Caldwell

Aboriginal Teacher Assistant

Nuraisyah Bin Omar

Aboriginal Teacher Assistant

Helen Howard

Aboriginal Teacher Assistant

Carlene Smith

Aboriginal Teacher Assistant

Hazman Bin Omar

Aboriginal Teacher Assistant

Teacher Assistants

Jacquie Beard

Teacher Assistant

Jordan Lemierz

Teacher Assistant

Rira Tipene-Grace

Teacher Assistant

Kiki Matsumoto

Teacher Assistant & Food Technology Assistant

Sr Glarah (Clare) Kimutai

Teacher Assistant

Achan Shiman

Teacher Assistant

Cam Wyllie

Teacher Assistant

Shaun Gale

Teacher Assistant


Tania McKenna

Music Specialist Coordinator

Tracey Thorn

Library Manager