Junior School

Primary Cross Country

The SMC Primary Cross Country carnival saw our Kindy through to Year 6 students bring their best efforts to the secondary campus and primary campus courses. Despite the heat, students still gave it their all and performed impressively. Congratulations to O’Brien for taking out the win! 

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STRIVE Extension Program

We are delighted to kick off the STRIVE Extension Program, an exciting initiative that promises to enrich our students’ learning journey. To begin the program we have a strong focus on community building and self-awareness, so our students are diving headfirst into a series of engaging activities designed to foster connections and ignite their curiosity.

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Journey to the Cross

At the end of Term 1 our whole College came together to prepare for Easter with a Journey to the Cross. Students gathered in our undercover area to sing, pray and reflect with liturgical dance and were led in song by our College choir. Students were then able to walk through classroom provocations of Jesus’

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City Country Partnership: Celebrating Collaboration and Learning

In the spirit of fostering collaboration and enriching educational experiences, we welcomed the Chisholm Catholic College and Sacred Heart Primary staff during Term 1. This City-Country partnership, made possible by the Yadha Muru Foundation, allows for the exchange of expertise in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) disciplines. It also fosters cultural connections and

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Harmony Day

Our students came together to celebrate Harmony Day, wearing the traditional dress of their culture or the colour orange. The theme for Harmony Day this year was: Everyone Belongs. It was a wonderful way to celebrate how all our differences make Australia a great place to live. Celebrating cultural diversity and promoting inclusiveness, respect and

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Student Leaders Day

Last Friday our student leaders from Years 6 – 12 had a team building day at the Broome Camp School. Students participated in a range of activities including climbing milk crate mountain, raft building and team games that challenged them to show their leadership qualities in different situations. Students needed to work together and use

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Primary Swimming Carnival

On Thursday 7th March, SMC Primary competed in their House Swimming Carnival. The day was filled with fantastic energy and enthusiasm from all houses with non-stop cheering and yelling from the grandstand. There were many great performances in the pool which ended in an extremely close result, with Rice pulling away in the final race

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