National Reconciliation Week

School News

June 7, 2024

Now more than ever

Our College celebrated and embraced the theme for 2024 of `Now more than ever’ for National Reconciliation Week.

We participated in focused learning, prayer and held events and activities to recognise the importance of National Sorry Day across our K-12 College. This is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations survivors and reflect on how we can all assist in healing, through our College values of Courage, Love, Empathy, Acceptance and Resilience, we do this daily in our community and we are so proud of our students, staff and families leading this in action. As a symbol or our respect, learning and remembrance students K-12 contributed to our purple flowers for Sorry day.

Our student leaders in Year 11 and 12, alongside their families and our primary and secondary campus staff were treated to a Yarning Night in our Cultural Space located on our primary campus oval. It was a magical night under the stars of Yawuru country and it felt like the Holy spirit was at work with storytelling, sharing, singing, acceptance and healing needed. It made our liyarns feel strong and support healing together.

These events and opportunities would not be possible without the incredible strength, leadership and dedication of our staff, particularly our cultural staff that led us in these events and learning opportunities. We have the very best cultural leaders here at our College. Special mention to our Cultural Leaders for facilitating these opportunities for learning and growth together, we are incredibly grateful for you.

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