Senior School

Years 10 -12

Senior School

St Mary’s College in Broome provides students in years 11 and 12 with a comprehensive educational journey that combines academic excellence with personal and spiritual growth. The College offers both Vocational Education & Training, General course and ATAR courses to students, allowing them to choose the pathway that best suits their needs and achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)

At this stage of their journey, students are offered a range of core subjects, including Religious Education, Mathematics, Sciences, History, and English, as well as a variety of electives that allow them to specialise in areas of interest. These may include subjects such as Visual Art, Music, Drama, Sports Coaching, Business, and Hospitality.

St Mary’s College has a strong focus on preparing students for future success, whether that be through tertiary education, vocational training, or employment. Throughout the year students are provided with access to career guidance, apprenticeships/traineeships, university information, and work experience placements.

Spiritual growth and personal development continue to be an important part of the educational journey in years 11 and 12. Students are encouraged to participate in retreats, prayer services, and other faith-based activities that allow them to explore their spirituality and deepen their understanding of Catholicism.

Our College emphasises the development of leadership skills, encouraging students to take on leadership positions within the school and the broader community. This may include serving on the Student Representative Council, participating in community service projects, or organising events.

Overall, the educational journey for students in years 11 and 12 provides a rich and diverse experience that prepares all students for success in further education and future life endeavours, while also supporting their personal, spiritual, and social development.

Senior School News

So many great things happen at St Mary’s College and we want you to share our stories. Find out about our successes, experiences and special events. We have an exceptional College that supports the educational, pastoral and spiritual needs of our students in a safe and supported learning environment focused on being respectful, being responsible, being kind and being your best! Stay up-to-date with the happenings of St Mary’s College.