Yadha Muru Foundation

St Mary's Partnerships

Yadha Muru Foundation

St Mary’s College is participating in a pioneering City-Country Partnership with Chisholm College and Sacred Heart Highgate, made possible by the Yadha Muru Foundation and supported by the Australian Government. This significant initiative aims to bridge the gap between metropolitan and remote schools by leveraging the unique strengths and capabilities of each partner. By tailoring initiatives and solutions to the specific conditions of each school and community, the partnership model ensures that every activity is highly relevant and impactful. 

The partnership offers a diverse array of opportunities designed to enhance educational experiences and foster mutual growth. Opportunities within the partnership include professional development exchanges where staff from all participating schools can share best practices in teaching and learning. Immersion experiences will see students from remote schools visiting their metropolitan counterparts for interactive learning sessions and cultural tours, while On-Country learning adventures will take metropolitan students to remote areas for immersive cultural and environmental education. 

In 2024, the partnership has seen city schools visiting and running professional development sessions focused on STEM education, enhancing the skills of teachers and students alike. Workshops on design thinking have been conducted with students, fostering creative problem-solving and innovation. Additionally, city and country schools have collaborated on developing projects to present at the CEWA STEM showcase, highlighting their joint efforts and achievements. An On-Country cultural immersion experience further enriched the partnership, allowing city educators to deepen their understanding of Indigenous culture and bring these valuable insights back to their schools. 

Through these initiatives, the City-Country Partnership not only enhances educational outcomes but also builds lasting relationships and understanding between diverse communities. The Yadha Muru Foundation is excited to facilitate these transformative experiences, fostering a collaborative spirit and lifelong learning among students and educators alike.