St Mary’s College will play a lead role in the future of the Kimberley by creating a learning community where people of different cultures work together to enable all students to achieve their full potential. Together, as a whole school community, we can achieve great things.
We will continue to be distinguished by the way we live and promote social justice, reconciliation and all Christian values; our culture of achievement; and our safe, caring community.
Our students will be recognised as faith filled, optimistic, resilient people who are creative and respectful, who confidently take their place in the world with “Listening Hearts”.
Our college is proud of our Strategic Intents 2022-2025; a document that is a result of extensive consultation with our staff, students, families, School Advisory Council and College community. The Strategic Intents 2022-2025 sets out the key goals of the College and the associated drivers of change. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this will have on the lives of our students, staff and College community.