Join St Mary's College
We understand that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you, as a Caregiver, will ever make.
At St Mary’s College, we provide an opportunity for your child, from Kindergarten through to Year 12, to grow and develop into faith filled, optimistic and resilient individual who can take their place confidently in the world. With a “Listening Heart,” your child will learn and understand what it means to make a difference in the lives of people they meet.
Enrolment enquiries and applications for all year levels are welcomed all year round. Enrolment packages are available from the school office between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm, or by completed and submitting via the below online form. Once the application form has been submitted, families will be interviewed, where we can understand more about your child, their aspirations and how we as a Catholic College can support them to be their best. Offers of enrolment will be made following the interview.