Bus Service
St Mary's Bus Service
Bus Service
St Mary’s College is conveniently located on Port Drive and is serviced by three town buses:
• Cable Beach and Broome
• Sunset Park, Sunset Rise; and
• Roebuck
Enquiries may be directed to Town Bus Service on 9193 6585.
For our students who are just out of town, St Mary’s College is also serviced by two rural school buses:
• Roebuck Plains; and
• Coconut Wells
Enquiries may be directed to Mr Rod Evans on 0419 018 800.
Please note it is the parent’s responsibility to ring the bus companies to arrange for their child(ren) to catch the school bus.
School Bus Regulations state that children must obey the following rules for bus travel:
• Do not change seats while the bus is in motion.
• Do not lean out of the window or against the door at any time.
• No food or drink to be consumed on the bus.
• Do not cause any disturbances or interfere with other children.
• No form of vandalism will be tolerated.
• You must obey the instructions of your bus driver.
• After alighting from the bus, children must stand back until the bus has moved away. Do not cross the road until the road is clear.