Opportunities & Experiences

Senior School | Years 10 – 12

Opportunities & Experiences

Throughout their time in St Mary’s College Senior School students are exposed to many and varied experiences aimed at developing the whole person – spiritually, emotionally and physically. As a College, we pride ourselves on allowing students to explore and experience many and varied experiences that allow them to enter society as a well-rounded and positive contributor to society.

As a regional school St Mary’s College is proud of the way our students enthusiastically involve themselves in events such as the Kimberley Cup, PAF Dance and PAF Drama. Throughout the year the College becomes involved in many local events, showcasing student talents to the wider community. It is wonderful to see our students representing the College with pride at the Shinju Matsuri Festival, Anzac Day and in the NAIDOC Reconciliation Walk.

Our committed staff endeavour to assist students in developing even the smallest spark of ambition or talent. This is evident in the flexibility of our teaching and learning programs to accommodate involvement in the State of Origin Football, Outdoor Education camps and day trips, and student representation at Shire run events such as Youth Hack.

Our Senior School students graduate from the College with evidence of firm values such as compassion, resilience and courage. They are encouraged and provided with opportunities to live out the Gospel values in their everyday lives. Christian Service Learning opportunities are made available, including assisting with younger students and joining the turtle egg counting team during hatching season.

St Mary’s College is proud to work hand-in-hand with families to produce the best students possible.